Thursday, June 2, 2011

Do you understand my feeling...?

No matter how hard it is,I always have to smile
It's been a 5 years since we became friend.It's already my 3rd time i've endured a confession.Why don't you understand?Why don't you understand my feeling?Also,everytime i met you,I wear a makeup.To match your height,I wear high heels.You are naive,You don't have sense.What was the hug you gave me?What was the present you gave me?I think about you all day.When I eat,before I go to sleep,my mind filled with thoughts of only you.I'm seriously having a hard time because of you.You don't call & your text messages are always late.But,i'm okay with that.Still,i'm happy because of you.I always visit your Twitter.To see what you did today,to see what kinds of clothes you wear these days,to see if you found somebody else & no longer need me.Althought we have nothing to do with each other now,maybe i'm a fool I keep thinking of you.The phones sometimes rings & I think that might be you. Are you fine without me?When i'm in pain and i'm in difficult time,are you not curious about me...?I have to be patient,because,all of this is..
I'm this fool girl,who love only you.I'm this fool girl who only looking at you.Even its bothersome,I put on makeup when I meet you.I wear high heels even my legs hurt.I'm wearing pretty clothes,so,that i can look good for you.Even if i see goodlooking man,you need to know your still the best.On the outside I'm laughing but inside I'm crying.I'm getting angry whenever I see the hypocrite me.Why do I get so small in front of you..?My exhausted heart,do you know about it...?

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